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The Peloton indoor cycling wheel features a built-in wireless touchscreen that allows you to stream live or on-need classes to go a great workout at habitation. Your Peloton bike must be delivered and installed past professionals so it can be calibrated and connected. But, once you lot're set-upwardly, using your wheel is easy and fun! Adjust the wheel then information technology's comfortable for yous and choose your first ride from the touchscreen menu. Eventually, y'all'll go fluent in the lingo and yous may fifty-fifty want to join a tribe of riders that share some of your interests.

  1. 1

    Turn the lever beneath the seat to the left to loosen it. Observe the lever that adjusts the elevation of the seat located on the frame of the cycle below the seat. Rotate it to the left, or counterclockwise, to loosen it. Turn it then the seat is loose enough to be moved up and down.[1]

    • Allow the lever to keep a little bit of tension on the seat and so it doesn't slide all the way downwards equally yous adjust it.
  2. 2

    Stand next to the bicycle and motion the seat so it'due south aligned with your hip. Once the seat is loose enough to move, use your easily to raise it up or downwardly. Movement the seat and so it'southward in line with the bone of your hip and then it's adjusted to the proper peak.[2]

    • Aligning the seat with your hip bone is recommended for first time users, but eventually, you may observe that a different seat position is more comfy for you. For instance, if you have really long legs, raising the seat a trivial higher than hip-height can reduce tension on your knees.


  3. iii

    Tighten the seat by turning the lever to the correct. Lock the seat into position by rotating the lever on the frame clockwise, or to the right. Continue turning the lever until the seat is held firmly and deeply.[3]

    Tip: If the lever is sticking out at an angle afterward you tighten it, pull it out and let it to point directly down and so information technology's out of your way when you use the bike.

  4. 4

    Loosen the lever underneath the seat by turning it to the left. Find the lever that adjusts the depth of your seat, which is located on the underside of information technology. Rotate information technology counterclockwise to loosen information technology then you lot can easily move the seat forward or backward with your hands.[iv]

  5. 5

    Utilise the length of your arm to arrange the seat to the proper depth. Stand next to your bike and rest your elbow on the nose, or the very front end of the seat. Then, keeping your elbow on the seat, try to bear on the handlebars with your fingertips. Motility the seat so that your fingertips just touch the handlebars.[5]

    • Using your elbow and fingertips is an easy way for beginners to notice a proper seat depth, but you may find that a different position is more comfortable for you lot.
  6. half-dozen

    Rotate the lever to the correct to tighten the seat. Employ 1 hand to agree the seat in position and turn the lever to the right to tighten it. Proceed rotating the lever as far as you can so the seat is held firmly and securely in position.[6]

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  1. i

    Loosen the lever on the front end of the bicycle by turning it to the left. Find the lever that controls the superlative of the handlebars located on the very front of the cycle. Plow the lever counterclockwise to loosen the handlebars so they can be moved up and down.[7]

  2. 2

    Stand in forepart of the seat and place your forearms under the handlebars. Stand with the frame of the bike between your legs and the handlebars in front of you. Cradle the handlebars with your forearms and bend your knees slightly.[8]

    • Don't endeavour to raise the handlebars from the front end or side of the bike or y'all could strain your back.
  3. 3

    Lift the handlebars and hold them in place. Press up through your forearms to raise the handlebars. When you've reached your desired pinnacle, agree them in place with 1 of your artillery cradled beneath them.[9]

    Tip: If y'all're adjusting the handlebars for the starting time time, ready them at the highest setting. You can always lower them to a more comfortable position later.

  4. four

    Tighten the lever past turning it to the right to secure the handlebars. With i arm cradling the handlebars to keep them held in position, use your other paw to rotate the adjustment lever to the right to tighten it. Continue turning the lever as far as you tin can so the handlebars are held in position.[10]

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  1. one

    Stand with 1 foot on each side of the bike frame and the pedals lying flat. Stand over the center of the bicycle frame with the pedals between your legs. Move the pedals and so they're aligned horizontally with the footing and the Peloton logo is facing up.[eleven]

    • The Peloton logo must be facing up in order for you lot to fit your shoes into the grooves on the pedals.
  2. ii

    Insert the cleat of 1 shoe into the grooves of a pedal with your toes pointing down. Peloton bikes use "clipless" pedals, so you lot'll demand to vesture cycling shoes with a 3-bolt cleat that fit into them. Align the cleat on the bottom of i of your shoes with the grooves on the top of 1 of the pedals. Betoken your toes down as you slide ane of your shoes into the grooves and begin to push forwards on the pedal.[12]

    • You lot don't have to use the Peloton brand shoes to prune into the bicycle. Any cycling shoe that has a 3-bolt cleat mountain will work just fine!
    • Keep your other foot firmly planted on the ground to provide balance.
  3. iii

    Push button down on the pedal until you hear it click into identify. Drive through the heel of your foot as you rotate the pedals. Continue pushing until you hear a "click" and your shoe snaps into place on the pedal.[13]

    Tip: If you're having trouble clipping into the bike, hold down the restriction button beneath the handlebars and put your full weight onto pedal to snap your shoe into place.

  4. 4

    Slide your other foot into the other pedal and press forwards. Move the pedals and so they're lying flat and insert the cleat of your other shoe into the grooves on the top of the other pedal. Point your toes downwardly and drive through your heel as you rotate the pedals until yous hear it snap into place.[14]

  5. v

    Kick your heel outward and your toes inward to clip out of the bicycle. Whenever you're prepare to clip out of the cycle, bring the pedals to a complete end. Then, utilize 1 swift movement to boot your heel outward and drive your toes toward the frame of the bike. The locking machinery volition disengage and you can remove your human foot from the pedal. Repeat the movement on the other side to remove your other shoe.[15]

    • Never try to prune out while the pedals are still spinning or you lot could seriously hurt yourself.
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  1. i

    Turn on your Peloton cycle and enter your subscription information to actuate it. Press the power push on the touchscreen to turn on the wheel and bring up the main carte. Follow the onscreen prompts to enter information such as your time zone and the electronic mail you used to pay for your subscription. Cull the subscription for the account and tap the button that says "Activate."[16]

    • If you lot received your Peloton bike every bit a gift, enter the subscription activation key instead of your e-mail.
    • Add any additional riders that may utilize the bike too.
  2. two

    Create a leaderboard name that represents you. When you login to your Peloton bike's home screen for the beginning time, you'll be prompted to create a screen name that will appear on the leaderboard and the class roster. Choose i that tells a little bit about yourself and is relatively simple and easy to read so your instructor tin give you a shout out during a live form.[17]

    • For example, if yous're a stay-at-home mom, and y'all're looking to be more active, y'all could choose a screen name similar, "FitMomEmma." Or, if y'all're an early riser, you could choose something like, "ZeroDarkThirtyRider."
    • Avoid vulgar or complicated leaderboard names like, "xX_JR1996M_xX_" which can be hard to read.
    • Your leaderboard proper name can give a sense of who you are, which will assistance you find riders with similar personalities and interests.
  3. iii

    Check out the Peloton 101 tutorial if you're brand new to the cycle. One time you're logged into the home screen, look for the video series labeled "Peloton 101" in the list of carte du jour options. If you're just getting started riding your Peloton bike, spend some time going through the videos and then you can become even more familiar with your bike.[eighteen]

    • You don't have to watch all of the tutorial at in one case if yous're ready to get to a ride. You tin always check it out later.
  4. 4

    Cull an on-demand ride to ride whenever you desire. Once you're logged in, await through the onscreen card for lists of rides that you can choose. If you can't brand the time that a live grade is set up to start, or you just desire to choose your ain ride on your own time, select the on-demand menu. Scroll through the options and read the descriptions detect ane that sounds highly-seasoned to you.[19]

    • Y'all can still salvage your stats and details during on-demand rides and then you tin revisit them later and add together to your overall riding scores.
    • Look at the blazon of ride to find one that'due south correct for yous. For example, choose a "Beginner" ride if you're new to the bike, or choose a "Middle Rate Zone" ride for a cardio-focused ride.
  5. 5

    Bring together a alive ride if you want to participate in real-fourth dimension. Check the times on the habitation screen for upcoming live rides and join the lobby about x minutes earlier the ride is ready to start so you can participate in the warmup and class discussion. You'll be able to actively participate in real-time and ask questions or receive feedback from the instructor.[20]

    • You'll get a shoutout from the instructor for your first live ride!
  6. half dozen

    Select an encore ride to accept your results on a live leaderboard. If yous can't make it for a alive ride, you can choose i from the encore menu to participate in a pre-recorded ride with an active leaderboard. You'll take real-time riders participating with y'all, and you'll be able to relieve your stats for the ride to contribute to your total riding scores.[21]

    • An encore ride is a great option if yous have certain instructors that y'all prefer, but you tin't always make their alive rides.
  7. vii

    Follow the directions of your instructor during your ride. Whenever a ride starts, follow the commands of the instructor so y'all tin can go the most out of your ride while also ensuring that you do information technology safely. When your teacher says to speed up, speed upwards! When they tell you to irksome down, slow downwards. Each ride has an intentional construction and stride for yous to follow.

    Safe Tip: Always follow the warm-up and cool-down portion of the rides so you don't injure or strain anything.

  8. 8

    Increase the resistance by turning the resistance knob clockwise. During the ride, your instructor will tell yous to either increment or subtract the resistance. To exercise this, locate the resistance knob on the frame of the beneath the handlebars. Plow it to the right to increase the resistance and to the left to decrease the resistance.[22]

    • As you lot become more experienced, you lot'll get better at finding the right amount of resistance for yous.
  9. 9

    Press the resistance knob direct down to utilize the brakes. If you need to slow down your wheel or bring information technology to a quick terminate, you tin can use the brakes by pressing the resistance knob directly down. Proceed belongings the knob down until the pedals take slowed enough to permit yous to bring them to a end on your own.[23]

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  1. 1

    Apply the Peloton picks program to try unlike coaching styles. Every Peloton coach volition take their own fashion of motivating you and accept a vocabulary that is slightly unlike than other instructors. Explore the Peloton picks pick on the home screen to try out rides with different instructors so you can find one that you enjoy. As y'all ride with them more ofttimes, you'll pick up on their unique cues and lingo.[24]

    • You lot'll also see when each teacher has scheduled alive rides so you lot tin can work to incorporate them into your schedule.
  2. ii

    Place your hands at the widest part of the handlebars for 1st position. Accept a comfortable seated position on the seat of the bicycle, too known equally the saddle. Lean frontward with your back flat and straight, your shoulders relaxed, and your chest open to let your lungs to expand. Place your hands at the widest part of the handlebars.[25]

    • Whenever an instructor tells you to go back to 1st position in a ride, gently return to this position.
    • If you take to accomplish for the handlebars, endeavor adjusting your seat and so it'due south closer and more comfy for you.
  3. three

    Rise out of the seat and continue to pedal to be in 2d position. Turn the resistance knob clockwise then it takes more effort to pedal. Stand out of the seat with your head upwardly and chest open up every bit you continue to pedal. Position your hips then they're directly over the pedals and identify your easily on the bend of the handlebars to support your upper body.[26]

    • 2nd position is often used for low-speed, high resistance continuing jogs.
  4. four

    Stand up with your hips in front of the pedals to apply 3rd position. Increase the resistance by turning the knob so yous can stand out of the seat. Rising upward out of the seat with your head high and your chest open and position your hips in front of the pedals as you continue to turn them. Identify your hands at the top of the handlebars for stability.[27]

    • This position is often used for steep climbs or to accelerate to high speeds.

    Tip: If 3rd position is besides difficult for you, try using 2nd position, or merely remain in a seated position. Every bit your stamina and core strength increases, you tin can work your style upward to it!

  5. 5

    Calculate your Power Zone so y'all can push yourself on rides. Select an "FTP" test ride from the library on your monitor and complete information technology to find your specific zones so you can use them to go along Power Zone rides. Knowing your specific zones volition help you understand how hard you lot need to push yourself in order to stay in the zone and go the most out of your rides.[28]

    • Focusing on Ability Zone rides will also allow you to track your progress as you get better and ameliorate.
    • Look for the instructors Denis Morton and Matt Wilpers in the library to find FTP test rides yous can use to discover your zones.
  6. six

    Give loftier-fives to other riders by tapping their profile picture. During a live or encore ride, you can congratulate another passenger or simply say how-do-you-do by sending them a "loftier-five." Locate the profile motion-picture show of the person yous desire to high-v next to their leaderboard name on your home screen. Double-tap the picture with your finger to send them a high-5.[29]

    • The other passenger volition be notified that you transport them a high-five and they may ship one in return.
    • If someone breaks their own tape or if you both but survived a tough steep climb, a high-five is a corking way to motivate each other!
  7. 7

    Earn a Century Shirt by completing 100 rides. Once you finish your 100th ride, you're eligible for a Peloton Century Shirt that y'all tin vesture to show off your accomplishment. Look for an email within a week or so after you terminate your 100th ride, or achieve out to the Peloton support team to ask about it if you don't receive an electronic mail. The shirt itself is free, but you'll need to pay a shipping fee to have information technology sent to you.[30]

    • Shipping usually costs nigh $7 or then.
    • If you lot try to buy a Century Shirt before yous earn it, it will cost $100,000!
  8. 8

    Join a tribe that appeals to y'all to find a customs of riders. On the leaderboard during rides, you lot'll see various groups of riders labeled with a hashtag, such every bit #PelotonMoms or #PowerZonePack. These are "tribes" or groups of riders who have similar interests that participate in rides together. Join a tribe that shares like interests so you tin can ride with them and keep yourself motivated.[31]

    • For instance, there are tribes of doctors, lawyers, teachers, early morning time risers, and many more than that you can choose to join.
    • Many tribes besides have Facebook groups that you tin can join and so yous can communicate with them exterior of the Peloton rides.
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Things Y'all'll Need

  • Peloton bike
  • Cycling shoes with a three-commodities cleat
  • Sweat towel
  • Water canteen


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